Green Papaya Lawar

 Hey peeps! Welcome to back my blog..!

In this blog I want to share how to make Balinese Lawar but the main ingredient wasn't young jackfruit but papaya, so let's get started. The ingredients are similiar with the jackfruit lawar, the spices are same, I only replace the jackfruit into green papaya.

1 medium size green papaya
250 gr long beans
1 grated coconut
1 small size jeruk limau/limo

Balinese Spice
2 finger joints galangal
2 finger joints ginger
1 finger joint turmeric
1 finger joint kencur
3 fried candlenuts
pinch of black pepper
pinch of coriander powder
2 red hot chilies
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon fried cabbage (cut cabbage into small pieces then fry until yellow-brown)
2 tablespoon oil

Steam/boil the papaya until not too soft.
Grate using this kind of cheese grater or you can cut it into rectangle-small pieces. Then squeeze so the water come out.
Chop the long beans into small pieces then boil until cooked, drain well.

Blend galangal, ginger, turmeric, kencur, candlenuts, and chilies with water until smooth (cut into pieces to make it easier to blend). 
Fry the spice until the water dried. Pour oil, add salt, coriander powder, pepper, and the fried cabbage, stir gently. Add the grated coconut, stir well.

Mix the papaya, long beans and the spices, add limau juice, mix well and serve.
If you like spicy foods, you can add extra chili sauce on it. Tbh, lawar is my favorite vegetables for now, it fresh and taste good in my tongue.

Happy trying and good luck! ^^
