A Letter for Krishna

I was told by my teacher to write a letter for God in an English Lesson while in Senior High School. Krishna is The Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is my beloved Lord. He has a bluish complexion, a peacock feather on His head, a guñjā garland and the decorations of a cowherd boy. His body is curved in three places, and He holds a flute to His mouth(CC Ādi 17.279). This letter was written by me with all my imperfections.

Dear My Lord,

I offer my respectful obeisances to you, my dear Lord (कृष्ण), the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all spiritual and material worlds, source of everything.

By your mercy, I'm feeling great today.

Please engage me in Your service, so I can always remember you in any condition.

Please kindly take me under Your shelter, please keep me away from all negativity, misfortune and inauspicious things.

Kindly protect and save me, my family, and all living beings of the world from all evils.

Thank you.

Your Servant,
